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Snow Hill Baptist Church

No Regrets Family–Is Hunting Easter Eggs a Sin?

By Pastor Dean Honeycutt

Mithell County

Easter is a great time for family. I know there is a lot of fun in hunting Easter eggs. We had fun doing that as well. But being a parent, I want my child to get a little more out of Easter than just hunting an egg. So how do I get the most out of one of the Greatest Christian events of all time –the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ?

Well first, just like Christmas when you read the Nativity story out of the Bible, provide a time where you read the crucifixion and resurrection account of Jesus in the Bible. Make this a special time with your children. This could be the opportunity you have to lead your child to Jesus Christ. Children can handle the details about Jesus suffering for our sin, the Cat of Nine Tails, Crown of Thorns, and the piercing nails of the Cross are all things children need to know about Jesus suffering for them. Help them understand that Jesus took their place and paid for their sin and died on a cross. And his body was placed in a grave. It is o.k. to help your children understand this. Many children live in a fantasy world of video games and social media. Help them understand the truth about Easter.

Oh, and then on that third and glorious day Jesus arose from the dead. Help your children understand that death could not keep Jesus in the grave. Jesus arose from the dead and He is alive today. Help them understand Jesus came out of the tomb and walked around on earth for forty days and was seen by more than five hundred people. And then Jesus ascended to heaven where He lives with His Father. Help your child understand Jesus is alive, He is the living Savior. This is what Easter is all about.

Second, couple the Easter story with an Easter drama at a church and it will really help bring the truth of Easter into your child’s mind and heart. Go to church and celebrate a sunrise service or communion with your family. Do not make church attendance just a one time occurrence with your family at Easter. If you do, then your child will understand that it is not all that important. Go to church every Sunday and Wednesday and your child will know how important Jesus is to you. Parents we must lead by example. If you make a greater issue out of Easter eggs and a basket then where does that leave Jesus? Is hunting Easter eggs and a basket a sin? Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” God investigates our heart and knows our motives and intent behind every action.

Last, memorable events and time spent with family will make lasting impressions on your child. Good Friday is a day that commemorates the death of Jesus Christ. Start early in April looking forward to Easter. Just as you would anticipate a birthday celebration, look forward to Easter. Ask God to prepare your heart for that special time of the year. Your children will notice what you do and what you talk about. I guarantee you every Hebrew child knows what Passover is and how important it is to their family. Jesus is our Passover Lamb the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the World.

God bless you, we love you and care about you and your family. Remember live life with “No Regrets”

Pastor Dean Honeycutt.