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Noise?  No…that’s music 

By Ken and Jan Merop

Cleveland, Tennesseeken and Jan Merop


The hustle and bustle of noises in the tourist town couldn’t be ignored.  Add the crush of humanity on vacation along with high 90s temperatures, and I was ready to leave almost when we got there.

Earlier in the day, we had visited a tranquil spot in the north Georgia mountains where beauty and stillness enveloped us.  The cool shadiness of the morning under the many trees was welcome as we knew the heat of the day was approaching.

Surrounded by beautiful varieties of bushes…some flowering…others finished with their blooming season…refreshed us.  Birds chirping in the distance and a lake of almost turquoise blue reflected nature surrounding it.

At one point, we took a stroll on the narrow, lakeside path.

After a while, a bench beckoned us to sit down and just savor the natural, God-given beauty before us.

“Isn’t this peaceful?” I said to my husband Ken.  “It is so still, so quiet.”

Just then, water lapped the shoreline.

He remarked, “Except for that noise.”

I replied, “That’s not noise.  That’s music!”

He nodded in agreement; for the lake lapping the shoreline was music playing in the backdrop of stillness.

The Bible speaks about nature’s music.

It says in Isaiah 55:12 NKJV, “For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”

I recall vacations in Colorado when the Aspens were in full color.  As the autumn breezes passed through the groves of trees, their leaves clapped out a song of praise to their Creator.

Verse 15 of Psalm 89 speaks of singing praises to God as Creator and its benefit, “Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!”

Surely, we were blessed that day to hear the joyful sound…songs…of nature whispering peace to our souls as we basked in its rhythm.

Have you heard the majestic symphony while watching wave after wave of ocean waters crash onto the shore?

Looking up into a vast sea of stars reminds me of another celestial song glowing with his countenance.  As it says in Psalm 19: 1, “The heavens declare the glory of God.  And the firmament shows His handiwork.”

Or who can ignore the serenade of stillness after a snowfall?

Jesus once said that even the rocks would cry out in praise if the people did not.

So, when you are still and hear the sounds of nature.  It’s not noise.  That’s music.  Selah


Three-Part Harmony

A trio of waterfalls is not silent.

As the triplets cascade over the mountain,

rocks, and boulders to the pool below,

it is like hearing a song in three-part harmony

praising the Creator’s majesty.

“He waters the hills from His upper chambers;

The earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works.”

Psalm 104: 13


After six years in the mountains of Avery County, Ken and Jan Merop are now living in the hilly Tennessee countryside of Cleveland, TN…just outside of Chattanooga.  Ken’s photos can be seen at

Read more Christian news from Ken and Jan HERE.
