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A Really Good Reason to Bless God

By Dennis Love

McDowell Countydennis love mcdowell county glenwood baptist church


The Psalmist said in the opening words of verse one of the 107th Psalm; “O give thanks unto the LORD………”  The word LORD is in all capital letters.  That word LORD is the word Jehovah or Yahweh.   That word LORD is the proper name of God.  That word LORD is the great “I Am” of the Holy Bible.  That word LORD comes from the verb “to be” in the Hebrew.   Therefore, it is tied to the idea of life itself.  That name LORD is found 6,823 times in the Bible and each time you see it, you should be reminded of the greatness of our God.

The God of the Holy Bible is so great that there never was a time when He was not God, and there never will be a time when He ceases to be God.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He took dust and molded from that dust the image of a man, and then breathed into the nostrils of that man the breath of life, and that man became a living soul.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He spoke to a man named Moses from the midst of a burning bush.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He parted the Red Sea for His people to cross when the enemy was breathing down their necks, and they went across the Red Sea on dry ground.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He dispatched a ravine to feed a man of God by the name of Elijah T-bone steaks and donuts when the economy was bad.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He can stop time dead in its tracks or He can move it forward at will.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He left the glories of Heaven, came down past the stars and the constellations, and allowed Himself to become a tiny little seed planted in the womb of a virgin.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He lived on this earth for 33 years in a human body, but yet never once committed one single solitary sin in that body.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He and He alone went to an old rugged cross, and there He took my sin and your sin upon Himself so that in return we could be forgiven in the here and now, and have eternal hope for the future.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He died a horrible death on that cross, but three days later He rose from the dead, and because He lives, we live.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He ascended back into Heaven at the right hand of the Father where He ever lives to make intercession for us today.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that one day soon the trump of God will sound and the dead in Christ shall rise, and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  The God of the Holy Bible is so great that He has gone to prepare for us a place called heaven where we will spend all eternity in the presence of our GREAT GREAT God!

Our God is a GREAT God, and we need to be blessing Him and thanking Him for His greatness.  He is so great that He knows you by name.  He is so great that He knows everything about you.  He is so great that He knows the number of hairs on your head.  He is so great that He is not a Republican, He is not a Democrat, and He is not even an American.  He is just a great God who has given us a great book that tells us what He hates and what He loves, and common sense tells me that I had better hate the things He hates, and love the things He loves.   No wonder the Psalmist said; “O give thanks unto the LORD…..” 


Dr. Dennis Love is the Associational Missions Strategist for the Blue Ridge Baptist Association in McDowell County.  Dr. Love has been in full-time ministry work for 31 years.  He and his wife Vicki have been married for almost 42 years, and they have lived in Marion for almost 8 years.  They have two sons, four grandchildren and two step-grandchildren.  He can be reached via email at:

Read more of his articles here
