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A Dangerous Passage and Slippery Slope

By Ken and Jan Merop

Avery Countyken and Jan Merop Avery County a dangerous passage and slippery slope


I hadn’t seen the sign “Dangerous Passage” as we entered the woods to hike.  So as we meandered through the trees and rocks, I kept pace while wandering about the narrow trail above the river.  One slip…
But we were a foursome eager for adventure on a rare, beautiful day in early May.  Previous weeks had surprised us first with warmth, then cool winter-like temps, and finally splattering rain that threatened our outings during our first spring in North Carolina.

We continued along, enjoying the sounds and sights of the fast-moving river.  But the further we ventured, the more uneven the terrain became.  Sun couldn’t penetrate the thick forest, so trail mud stuck to our hiking shoes.  Still, we continued.

And then I felt myself on a slippery slope looking toward the river.

Life can be like that sometimes.

We start out full of hope and excitement.  At last, we will get to do what we have been planning all along.  We don’t notice warning signs because we are too caught up in the adventure we’ve planned.

Perhaps it involves a new business start-up.  Or, maybe we are walking the tightrope of financial indecision.  Relationships throw us unexpected curve balls; and, just when we think we’ll slide into home base…we land in the mud on our faces.

When the trauma of divorce invaded my life well over 40 years ago, I was a young mother with an infant son.  The signs all screamed “danger” ahead.  But, I knew I must put one foot in front of the other and trust my all to God.

I leaned on several promises of God as found in the Bible and knew that Jesus would not let me down.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,” says Proverbs 3: 5, NKJV.  “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose,” says Romans 8: 28.

I slid around a bit in the miry clay…but God lifted me up and placed me upon a rock.  He is that rock and I knew no matter what, I was on a firm foundation.

That day on the hike, my feet began to go out from me as I slid on mud and slick rocks toward the water below.  But my family helped me regain my footing.

Whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual, we must cling to the Rock of Ages in faith as we regain our balance on the dangerous passages of life.  Selah

Waterfall Renewal 

Continuous, resounding water splashes

all who come near with a refreshing mist.

Like a waterfall, let’s spray reviving love ceaselessly

on all who are tired and thirsty.

Jesus said, “He who believes in Me,

as the Scripture has said,

out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

John 7:38

Splash someone today.


Ken and Jan love residing in the mountains of Avery County.  Visit Jan’s new blog, Journeying with Jan.  Ken’s photos can be seen at

You can read more good Christian news from Ken and Jan HERE.
