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A Good Golf Swing

By Dean Honeycutt

Mitchell Countya good golf swing


When I was growing up, I played a lot of sports. Sports kept me out of a lot of trouble. I played football, basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, and many more. If the sport had something to do with a ball, then I was ready to play. Every sport has fundamentals to learn and practice to be good at that sport. Through all the years of playing sports, the fundamentals do not change. There is one basic way to throw a football, a basic way to pass a basketball, a basic way to swing a golf club. If I know the fundamentals of a sport and practice those skills, then I can play that sport with some proficiency.

Church life and being a Christian are no different. I participate well in following Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord because of the fundamentals of the faith. Fundamentals are basic core truths. For example, a fundamental core truth of the Bible is “God created them male and Female.” The fundamental truth here is that a person’s gender is determined at conception. I believe this fundamental truth because God’s word is infallible, and I can trust what God says.

Another fundamental truth is “God created the heaven and the earth.” The core truth here is just as a builder builds a house, God created and built the heaven and earth and all that is in it and above it. God created heaven and earth, formed it, and filled it in six days. I believe this fundamental truth because God’s word teaches me this truth.

The Disciples followed Jesus well because Jesus taught his disciples the fundamental truth of Scripture. Jesus did this by example and by instruction. Jesus said in speaking with His followers “you have heard that it has been said” but, “I say unto you.” This is what you have heard but the truth is the fundamental things I am teaching you. So, Jesus affirmed the fundamental truth of scripture.

I am so thankful there is a fundamental movement back to the truth of God’s word. Secular science, public schools, state, and federal-run parks, and universities across our land often challenge and discredit the Bible. Why are some people so disturbed and often angry about God’s word? God’s word not only tells us correctly about our origins, but it talks about our sin and the sickness of our heart, and many people will not acknowledge the Bible that challenges and convicts them of what they know to be true, but often deny. So, they will attack the Bible and they will attack the fundamental truth of scripture. So, if a person can discredit the Bible, then they do not have to deal with the condition of their heart.

That is an easy way out for now, but one day all people will stand before God and give an account of their life. The Bible is an amazing historical, prophetic, and spiritual book written by forty human authors over a period of two thousand years as they were moved by the Holy Ghost to record exactly what God instructed them to write. The main story of the Bible is Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, who gave his sinless life dying on a cross as punishment and judgment for sin. Jesus took my place. His sacrifice death became my substitute for my guilty life. That is why John the Baptist said, Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the World.” “Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I am found was blind but now I see.”

A golf swing is especially important to be a good golfer. Anyone can pick up a club and hit a golf ball. However, if you know the proper fundamental golf swing you can hit the ball a whole lot better. Just about every golfer has the same fundamental swing. The swing has been time-tested, proven, and practiced for an exceptionally long time. Anyone can hit a baseball. But a fundamental swing that every baseball player uses is the best way to hit the ball. Anyone can throw a basketball through the hoop. But the player who uses the fundamental way to make a shot will score more points than the person who just throws the ball toward the goal.

Anyone can say they are a Christian, but the one who holds, practices, and lives by the fundamental truth of God’s Word has been born again. Teach the fundamentals of faith to your children. When a schoolteacher, professor, friend, or even a religious leader contradicts the Word of God to your child correct that teaching with the truth. Remember the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, not a history book, not google, no not even a professor in a liberal college. On Christ the solid rock we stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Live life with “no regrets”.


Pastor Dean Honeycutt shepherds Snow Hill Baptist Church in Bakersville, NC. He may be reached at 828-385-0213,, or visit their website at

You can read more good Christian news from Dean HERE.
