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It’s Still The Cross

By Dennis Love

McDowell CountyDennis Love McDowell County


It’s still the cross – The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 1:18; “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God.”  The year was 1953.  Billy Graham was preaching a crusade in Dallas, Texas.  About 40,000 people were in attendance for each service.  Usually, when Billy Graham would stand to preach and extend an invitation for people to come forward and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, hundreds upon hundreds would respond.  But one evening during this particular crusade, after Billy Graham had finished preaching, only a handful of people responded to his invitation to come forward and accept Christ.  Billy Graham left the platform that night discouraged.  A German businessman was at the crusade, and the man was a devout Christian.  He walked up to Billy Graham, put his arm around him, and said; “Billy, do you know what was wrong tonight?  You didn’t preach the cross!”  The next night, Billy Graham preached on the cross, and the blood of Jesus that was shed on that cross for my sin and your sin, and when he extended the invitation a large host of people responded to receive Christ.

Please understand that in this world of high-speed internet, iPads, earbuds, fast food, fast cars, fast-talking politicians, and phony bologna people, IT’S STILL THE CROSS!  In a world that tells you that ALL roads lead to Heaven, and it really doesn’t matter what denominational tag you wear, IT’S STILL THE CROSS!  When preachers stop preaching a blood-stained cross for sinners to come to, that is when I’m going to find another preacher because IT’S STILL THE CROSS!  I want to hear a preacher say, “If you want to go to Heaven when you die, you must first come to a blood-stained cross, and have your sins forgiven because IT’S STILL THE CROSS!”  I want to hear a preacher say; “If you want to have victory over the world, victory over the flesh, and victory over the devil, you must regularly visit the cross because IT’S STILL THE CROSS!”  I want to hear a preacher say, “If you grow cold and indifferent as a believer, take your Bible out into the woods and get alone with God and read the 27th chapter of Matthew, and wrap your arms once again around the cross, and see if the cross doesn’t warm you up spiritually because IT’S STILL THE CROSS!”

It’s still the cross that saves from sin.  It’s still the cross that cleanses from within.  It’s still the cross that produces thankfulness.  It’s still the cross that produces giftedness.  It’s still the cross that produces oneness within the church.  It’s still the cross that places the power of God within you.  And it’s still the cross that draws people personally to come to Jesus and be saved.

So take a moment today and thank God for the cross.  Take a moment today and humble yourself before the cross, and see if the cross doesn’t warm you up on the inside spiritually.  WHY?  Because IT’S STILL THE CROSS.  “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God.”  The cross is so powerful that it makes crooked people go straight!  It makes vile people pure!  It makes drunk people sober!  It makes weak people strong!  It has the power to give you a faith lift!  And it has the power to save you, to keep you saved, and to take you to Heaven when you die!  WHY?  Because IT’S STILL THE CROSS!  Take a moment today and look to the cross, and then brag on that cross to someone you talk with today because IT’S STILL THE CROSS!    


Dr. Dennis Love is the Associational Missions Strategist for the Blue Ridge Baptist Association in McDowell County.  Dr. Love has been in full-time ministry work for 31 years.  He and his wife Vicki have been married for almost 42 years, and they have lived in Marion for almost 8 years.  They have two sons, four grandchildren and two step-grandchildren.  He can be reached via email at:

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