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Our Strong Tower

By Dennis Love

McDowell CountyDennis Love


The Bible refers to our great God by many names.  One of those names is found in Proverbs 18:10. It says, “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and they are safe.”  The Lord’s name is a strong tower.

It’s interesting to see how there are so many people who have names that match what they do in life.  I have introduced myself to many people through the years, and when I tell them my name is Dennis Love, and that I’m a Pastor, they look at me and say; “Wow, what a great last name for a Pastor.”  And “Love” certainly is a great name for a Pastor, and I only hope that I can live up to my last name.  I read about a dentist in Florida whose name is Dr. Toothman.  I also read about a barber whose name is Dan Druff.  And I also read about a man named Will Crumble.  He’s a professional home builder.  Now, I’m not sure that I would want Will Crumble to build my house, but that’s his name and I’m sure he’s good at building. On the other hand, I would welcome Dr. Toothman to look into my mouth and do my dental work.  I’m not sure if I would allow Dan Druff to touch my head.  I would need to pray about that one!

Well, the Lord’s name is a strong tower.  Not a grass hut or a rustic cabin, but a strong tower.  Isn’t that an awesome name for our great God?  STRONG TOWER!  Did you know that you can run into that strong tower today and be born again?  Did you know that you can run into that strong tower today and be energized in your spirit to live an abundant spirit-filled life today?  Did you know that you can run into that strong tower today and find love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, humbleness and self-control?  Did you know that you can run into that strong tower today and find rest for your weary soul?  Did you know that you can run into that strong tower today and our great God will talk with you and walk with you today?

Dr. Toothman might look in my mouth and do great dental work.  Dan Druff might cut my hair just like I like it to look.  Will Crumble might build me a great looking house.  BUT the name that is above every other name is the name of Jesus, and that is why His name is a strong tower.  The Bible says the righteous run into it, and we are safe.  To me, this is shouting ground and to me, this is certainly something to think about!  “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and they are safe.”      



Dr. Dennis Love is the Senior Pastor at Glenwood Baptist Church in Marion, NC. He and his wife Vicki have been married for 39 years. They have been in Marion for 5 years. They have two sons and three grandchildren. You can visit the Glenwood Baptist Church Facebook page or The Glenwood Baptist Church Website
