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Come Help Me!

By Caron Cline

Burke Countycaron cline burke county pleasant hill baptist church

During the 1920s, Frederick Mockford, the officer in charge of radio at Croydon Airport, England, was asked to think of a word that would signal distress and be understood by everyone. He chose the word ‘mayday’ which was equivalent to the French word for ‘come help me’. In a life-threatening emergency, this word would be cried out three times, signaling the immediate need for rescue.

Today, we are surrounded by people who are crying out for help. Rather than saying ‘mayday’ three times, these individuals are repeatedly saying ‘give me another drink; give me another pill; give me another fix; give me another dollar; give me another dysfunctional relationship, etc. Satan, himself, has blinded their minds and perverted their understanding of the definition of true deliverance. Such cheap substitutes are fleeting, evaporating as quickly as the morning dew.

These are broken people who have been tossed aside by others as worthless and hopeless causes. Yet these are the ones that Jesus came to exchange their ashes for beauty, their mourning for gladness, and their despair for praise. He is the true source of deliverance and only He can satisfy the soul wounds inflicted by selfish and foolish choices. He offers freedom and forgiveness from sin, peace that passes understanding, joy unspeakable and full of glory, and a hope that is an anchor for the soul. Our Lord calls everyone who has experienced His help and healing to be ever watchful for those silently crying ‘mayday’.

Asking the Lord to open our eyes to those needing help will result in multiple opportunities to offer hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless. The Holy Spirit will enlighten the eyes of believer’s hearts to see those in need of God’s deliverance. Jude, the half-brother of our Lord Jesus, wrote some challenging words to the early church that we would be wise to heed. “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. And have mercy on some, who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh”. (Jude 20-23)

If the people of God are going to snatch those who are perishing out of the fire, it will require preparation and intention. We must build our faith by hearing and obeying the word of God, praying continually, abiding in the love of Christ, and waiting expectantly for the imminent return of Christ. Once preparation has been made, we must be intentional about offering our bodies as living sacrifices for the sole purpose of being the Hands and Feet of Jesus. To search and rescue and to seek and save is His mission and He will insulate and equip His saints for the same. Every follower of Christ is on assignment wherever their foot treads. Ask the Lord for clarity and wisdom to fulfill the mission. You will be amazed at the number of people who cross your path each day who are silently crying, ‘Come Help Me!’ Just lift up your eyes!


Caron is a follower of Jesus Christ and a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Morganton, NC. She loves to teach the word of God.

Her desire is to see every believer grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.

You can read more Christian News from Caron HERE.
