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He’s a Good Good Father

By Mary-Kathryn Laws

Avery CountyMary-Kathryn Laws Anne Ministries Avery County

Father’s Day can be hard for many people for various reasons. Some never had a dad in their life. Some don’t have the best relationship with their father. Some fathers walked out and left.

My intention is not to dishonor or shame any fathers out there, but we have to be careful not to see God the same way we see our earthly fathers. There are so many ways God is different from your dad.

This article is for those that were blessed to have an amazing dad, the ones who had a dad but he wasn’t exactly what you needed, the ones whose dads were nonexistent in their lives, and those that may have a dad that falls somewhere in the middle.

Some of you may have a dad with unpredictable behavior. You never know if today will be a good day or a bad day. The Bible says that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is a never changing God.

Some of you may not have ever learned anything from your father or maybe the things you did learn were not good. God is the ultimate teacher. He is all-knowing and knows everything that we need to know. He gave us the Bible which is essentially a roadmap for our lives. He uses the Bible and His Spirit to teach us new things every day.

Some of you may have had a dad that just gave up on you. You may have messed up and it just seemed like your dad never forgave you for what you may have done. God knows we are going to mess up, yet He still has His arms wide open waiting for us with forgiveness.

The point is… our earthly fathers are all human. They made mistakes and will continue to make many more. Our Heavenly Father, on the other hand, will never leave you nor forsake you. He wants to have a relationship with His children. He is always there to listen to us and be there for us.

It’s time to stop comparing God to your earthly relationships. God is not the earthly father that you have grown up with, whether you had a positive or negative influence in your life. God your father is so much more and will never fail you. So this Father’s Day if you’re feeling down seeing all those Father’s Day posts, remember that God your Heavenly Father will never disappoint you.

Whether your dad is the best dad ever, MIA, or somewhere in the middle, we must understand that even the best dads are just a mere glimpse of the goodness of God. He is so much more.

If you get nothing else from this article. Know this, God is a good father. He is the best Father. You are forever loved by Him. He is forever there for you. You are never alone. You are wanted. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that we are all wanted by God.

Happy Father’s Day! He is a good good Father!

“And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18


Mary-Kathryn Laws is the daughter of Chastity Ogburn, Founder of Anne Ministries. In 2018, the Lord put on Chastity’s heart the calling to reach out to those hurting from loss. Anne Ministries began in September 2018. Anne means “grace” and that is what this ministry is about, extending God’s grace and allowing Him to heal your deepest hurt. This ministry reaches out to those hurting from abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. The ministry expanded in 2021 offering pregnancy support services to those facing an unplanned pregnancy. Chastity and her family attend Emmanuel Baptist Church in Newland, NC. You can purchase her book, His Grace Covers All, on Amazon HERE.

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