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Our Unchanging God In A Changing World

By Dennis Love

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The Bible says in Malachi 3:6; “For I am the LORD, I change not!”  We don’t know everything Adam said to Eve as they left the garden, but one thing he must have said was, “My dear, the world is changing.”  And it has been changing ever since!

More information has been produced in the last thirty years than in the previous 5,000 years combined.  Ninety percent of all the items in the supermarket did not exist ten years ago.  It is estimated that fifty percent of college graduates are going into jobs that did not exist when they were born.  And, it is estimated that ninety percent of the businesses in the United States were started in the last 25 years.  One man put it this way: “My great-grandfather rode a horse, but was afraid of a train.  My grandfather rode a train but was afraid of a car.  My father rode in a car but was afraid of an airplane.  I ride in an airplane, but I’m afraid of a horse.”  That’s what you call making a full cycle.

With all of our advances today, it is possible to have breakfast in New York City, lunch in Dallas, and dinner in Los Angeles. . . . and have your bags wind up in Mexico City.  The rate of change is so great today that we can hardly acclimate ourselves to the constant upheavals it causes.  The result is we are suffering from a vision of constant cultural shock.  I know one thing—-we need either a tranquilizer or a stabilizer!

Amid all these changes it is GOOD to know that there is one thing that does not change, and that is the LORD.  He is constant and abiding!  In this ever-changing world, He is the anchor for our soul!  He is a fixed point of reference for our moral decisions!  And He is the axis around which our lives can revolve!  Malachi spoke these words in a time of great change.  Worship had become flippant and casual as people gave their second-best to God.  The moral Law of God was being disregarded, especially concerning marriage.  Divorce was rampant.  And the Lord’s command to tithe was being ignored to the economic detriment of the nation.  And neither priest nor people took seriously the threat of approaching judgment.

In that kind of world, the Lord reminded his people that He had not changed.  And in our constantly changing world, it is good for us to be reminded that our God has not changed and He will not change.  Matter-of-fact we are told in Hebrews 13:8; “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.”  This serves as a warning and a comfort for us that we serve a changeless God in this changing world!  Now, this is something to think about and to praise God about!


Dr. Dennis Love is the Senior Pastor at Glenwood Baptist Church in Marion, NC. He and his wife Vicki have been married for 39 years. They have been in Marion for 5 years. They have two sons and three grandchildren. You can visit the Glenwood Baptist Church Facebook page or The Glenwood Baptist Church Website

You can read more good Christian News from Dennis HERE.
