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Triple Relief

By Miguel Cruz

Yancey Countytriple relief


Healthy Bowels, sweeping clean the inside of the Temple.

There has been much research in the last few years talking about the health of our bowels as it relates to overall health. Most health experts will agree that a daily bowel movement should be expected if all the plumbing is working right. Most of us know what it feels like when we get backed up, MISERABLE.

Colon cancer has also been associated with poor bowel habits and a lack of fiber in the diet. In this article I’m going to give you the recipe I give my patients for getting fiber in the diet and getting the plumbing moving, I call it “Triple Relief”.

Take equal parts of flax seeds, chia seeds, and psyllium husks. Grind them together in a blender for about 1 minute and then store the ground mixture in a jar kept in the refrigerator. The Chia and flax contain essential oils that are extremely healthy for you but can go rancid if stored outside the refrigerator.

Take 1 to 3 tablespoons during the day at different times. This combination is very versatile and easy to take because it actually tastes good. You can put it on yogurt or cereals, add it to soups, sprinkle it on vegetables, or simply mix it in water, juice, or smoothies.

If you find yourself going days between bowel movements or having to take laxatives daily, try adding this to the diet. There have been very few people I have recommended this to that did not get results. Of course, this is not a cure-all for the bowels, there may be other things at work which would require a thorough examination to see what else may be contributing. Give it a try and if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at drmacruz@icloud .com

God Bless


Dr. Miguel Cruz is in practice along with his wife of 35 years, Lesia Cruz who is a certified Integrative Nutritionist. They own Cruz Life Center in Burnsville NC. Dr. Cruz is a licensed Chiropractor since 1981. When asked what he does for a living he explains that he helps people get out of pain and improve their overall health without the use of drugs or surgery. Something everyone seems to want but nobody seems to know how to get there. Dr. Cruz accepted Jesus Christ in the summer of 1979 while in chiropractic school. He has since dedicated his life to helping people grow in physical health and spiritual health. Read more good news from Dr. Cruz HERE.
