World’s Largest Log Church
By Joseph Wardlow
Oregon City, Oregon
Trails End Log Church, “The World’s Largest Log Church” is being built at the end of the Oregon Trail in Oregon City, Oregon.
Fourteen years ago, God said to me “Build me a church” and I have stood faithful all these years seeking the timing and His direction. Doors have opened and now is His timing and I want to introduce you to what God is doing. The name is “Trails End Log Church”.
When completed, Trails End Log Church will be turned over to the NW Southern Baptist Convention.
Historic Significance
The historic significance and impact of Trails End Log Church being “The World’s Largest Log Church” at “The End of the Oregon Trail” in Oregon City, Oregon will be far-reaching.
The church will be built out of Cedar; which is God’s favorite tree. There are 28 verses in the Bible referencing Cedar.
Oregon City
Oregon city is God’s chosen location for Trails End Log Church because it is the historic location of the end of the Oregon Trail where Jason Lee and Robert Booth, ‘Circuit Riding Preachers to the West’ brought the Word of God to the far side of the nation – Oregon.
The Log Church represents the time period when Christianity was founded in Oregon.
The Contractor
Pioneer Log Homes, headquartered in BC, Canada, will be our contractor. We will be working with their US Representative out of New Mexico.
A Draw to Hear the Gospel
Trails End Log church will draw in many souls to see this beautiful wonder God has told me to build. While there, they will hear the Gospel.
The project is not to honor a building, but to bring honor and glory to the Lord and save souls.
The Purpose
The purpose of the vision of Trails End Log Church is to teach the “truth” of God’s Word and
Help people find a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Help believers grow in their relationship with the Lord.
Become disciples of Jesus Christ to further His kingdom.
(Mark 16:15)
The Need
God’s light is needed more today than ever before in our nation, and around the world.
Trails End Log Church will be a beacon of hope at “The End of the Oregon Trail”.
Please check out our website at
Pastor Joe Wardlow
Joseph Wardlow grew up in poverty in logging camps in Northern California. His family’s home was not a Christian home, but quite the opposite. When he retired, he moved to Redmond, Oregon, and as a lay pastor, he started a ministry called “Trails End Ministry.” It was an evangelistic outreach in the trails and parks that run through the center of Redmond.