Under our feet today lays the result of Noah’s Flood.
Sometimes, more than a mile deep, a sedimentary layer cake shows the global extent of the Flood’s destruction of the Lost World.
All that remains of the world that perished in the Genesis Flood is underneath, upwards of a mile of rock layers, and under our feet.
No city, no walls, no towers, no villages remain from the Lost World; they all perished when God destroyed mankind. All remains of humanity from the World that Perished in the Genesis Flood have been buried a mile deep.
This means that the Brave New World was the world that Noah stepped into when he exited the Ark.
The Brave New World of Noah and his sons was a fresh start for man.
Every Stone Age tool, every caveman artifact, and every archaeological ruin on the surface (less than a mile deep) of the earth is from the Brave New World of Noah and his sons. Nothing on earth survived the Flood in the World that Perished in the Genesis Flood.
Today, we are going to survey what is probably the most intriguing, fascinating, and informative part of the Bible. Genesis 8-11 lays the foundation for every person on this planet. Every nation, every culture, every legend and myth all come to us from the Brave New World of Noah and His sons. Let’s trace the chapters and what we will study in the next few weeks.
1. Ancient History: The Brave New World Overview
2. The Covenant: God’s Plan of the Ages and a Map of History 8:1-22 God has a plan of the ages. He has given the first piece of it as "no more global floods". The last piece is a new Heaven and a New Earth. In between are the age-old war between God and Satan, man and demons, and The Seed of the Woman vs. The Seed of the Serpent. Genesis 8 lays the scene for all future prophetic events.
3. Caveman: The Descent of Man 9:1-19 From digs across the world come bone fragments, teeth, and strange pictures depicting apelike creatures fabricated from a few fragments. Where did modern man come from? Where do cave dwellers, fossils, and cave drawings fit into all this? Learn of the Descent of Mankind from Genesis 9 and Romans 1.
4. Canaan: The Curse of Sin 9:20-29 Noah stumbles, Ham sins, and Canaan gets cursed. What is going on here? What was the curse that fell on Canaan? Why did they all (the Canaanites) need to be exterminated? Is the present Arab/Moslem hostility a part of Satan’s long war on God? The last few verses of Genesis 9 explain the Curse of Sin to us.
5. Genealogies: The Table of the Nations 10:1-30 Across the face of our world seethes ethnic rivalry, genocide, ancient hatred, religious and regional warfare. Nationalism is rising from the Balkans to the Orient. Terrorists seek to cause concessions to gain independence in the Basque country, Northern Ireland, Palestinian areas, and other places. How did all this start? Genesis 10 gives the birth of the nations.
6. Babel’s Astrology: The Sign Posts to God 11:1-9 Over your head this evening are the bright dots of light we call stars. Many live by the stars, astrologically depending upon the stars for daily guidance. God condemns all such activity as occultic. But do the stars trace an ancient, even divine pathway to God? Genesis 11:1-9 shows us Signposts to God.
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