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It is looking like a setup, more and more. Someone within the Secret Service seems to be a traitor. What else can account for this event?

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, revealed that the gunman who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump had planned to use explosives as a diversion to facilitate his escape. The incident occurred at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where the assailant, Thomas Crooks, targeted Trump.

FBI Director Christopher Wray, during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, detailed the findings of the investigation. Authorities discovered a drone and explosive devices capable of remote detonation in Crooks’ vehicle. Wray mentioned that while Crooks had a transmitter, it was unlikely the remote detonation would have been successful from his location.

McCaul, who has a background as the former chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security, shared further insights into Crooks’ intentions. He explained on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that Crooks’ plan involved assassinating the president, then creating a distraction by detonating explosives in his vehicle at a separate location, allowing him to escape amid the chaos.

The attempt ended when Secret Service snipers fatally shot Crooks after he fired an AR-15 from a building approximately 400 feet away from Trump. The attack resulted in the death of one rallygoer and injuries to two others on July 13. Trump sustained a minor injury to his ear, narrowly avoiding a more serious wound, according to his physician.

The incident has raised significant concerns about the Secret Service’s performance. Director Kimberly Cheatle faced bipartisan criticism during a House Oversight Committee hearing for the agency’s failure to prevent the attack. Cheatle resigned from her position following the hearing, acknowledging the incident as a failure on the agency’s part. McCaul, while expressing confidence in the overall capabilities of the Secret Service, agreed that the leadership change was necessary, particularly given the heightened threats against Trump, including intelligence suggesting potential assassination plots by Iranian actors.

In response to the assassination attempt, Congress is launching multiple investigations. The House recently voted unanimously to establish a bipartisan task force to further investigate the incident. This task force, comprising seven Republicans and six Democrats appointed by their respective party leaders, is expected to present its findings by mid-December.

McCaul expressed openness to participating in the task force if asked, emphasizing the importance of thoroughly investigating the circumstances surrounding the attempt and ensuring the security of public officials.

Major Points:

  • Rep. Michael McCaul revealed that the gunman, Thomas Crooks, planned to use explosives as a diversion after attempting to assassinate Donald Trump.
  • FBI Director Christopher Wray testified that law enforcement found a drone and explosive devices capable of remote detonation in Crooks’ vehicle.
  • Crooks fired an AR-15 at a Trump rally, killing one person and injuring two others; Trump sustained a minor ear injury.
  • Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned following bipartisan criticism over the agency’s failure to prevent the attack.
  • A bipartisan task force has been established by Congress to investigate the assassination attempt, with findings due by mid-December.

Conner T – Reprinted with permission of Whatfinger News