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Peter is writing to a group of local churches facing fiery trials amid great persecution. Peter, the Apostle, has reached the end of his public ministry and is being hunted down by Emperor Nero as the most visible of Christ’s followers. Peter was a big target.

We know that Peter chose one of the most difficult places to minister. Here in 1 Peter 1, we find the addresses of those he has served. They were the saints in Roman Asia, the most secular, emperor-worshipping, hostile to the Gospel territory in the Roman Empire. Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia constitute the northern two-thirds of Roman Asia, or modern-day Turkey.

Peter spends the five chapters of 1 Peter with those early believers, encouraging them to stay true to Christ as they endured persecutions and all the challenges of living out their faith in daily life in the Roman Empire.

In his last letter, he uses 2 Peter to prepare them for the reality of death (2 Peter 1), the deception of false teachers (2 Peter 2), and the End of Days (2 Peter 3).

He sent them a lineup of Biblical doctrine, and what an amazing pair of Epistles for believers to study! Now, look with me at 2 Peter 3.

God’s Word is History, Pre-Written

God has already written down the details of how everything in the world will end. The end is by God’s fire.

The end is God reconstituting the universe from the atomic particle level to the galaxy cluster level: all are burned, refined, and remade into the Universe of God’s creation.
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