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Is it ever HARD to UNDERSTAND HOW TO CONNECT the world events all around us AND BIBLE PROPHECY?

JESUS Himself CONNECTS ALL THE PIECES in REVELATION! As we return to Revelation 6 and work our way verse-by-verse through this fantastic portion of God’s Word, we all need to grasp the big picture of what we are doing.

First, let me state the obvious but vital foundational truth:

God Wrote the Entire Bible

One way to view the Bible is as a complete course of study from which one must graduate with proficiency in a chosen field.

God is the instructor, and His textbook is the Bible. The Degree we have enrolled in is Knowing God. There are 66 courses of study, one for each book of the Bible.

Every book God included is vital for some reason. Some we are more drawn to than others. Some are easier, some are well known, others are hard and mysterious, and much like the most complicated classes we faced in school, we grit our teeth and plow through even when it is tough, but:

All Scripture is Vital

If we were to continue to think of the Bible like going to grad school, we could see it as containing all the courses needed to graduate. Graduation from God’s grad school on Knowing Him would mean what 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NKJV) says. We need to start with a verse that we all know so well. But look together at the emphasis God gives to us. Please follow along with the words from 2 Timothy 3:16-17:

• All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
• [All Scripture given] is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
• [All Scripture was given] that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

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