Life Lessons December 2024
By Doug Harrell
Mitchell County
I have to admit that I really don’t know where to start as I sit down to write Life Lessons for December 2024. Today is seven weeks since we experienced Helene and the mass destruction that took place in this part of Western North Carolina and other places as well. Tonight, I am warm, my house is dry even though a good part of it is still under a tarp and awaiting a new roof. I look at so many around me and I truly feel heartbroken for the condition that many are still in. Yet, as I look back, I see blessings that surpass anything I can describe. I have seen groups of men and women coming in to help in numbers with resources, equipment, time, and money to pour into the communities that were in such need.
We are told to go and spread the gospel throughout the world and our world starts around us. The many groups that are giving their time and effort to help us rebuild are actually spreading the gospel as they go forth. We are also familiar with the words of Jesus when He was asked what the most important commandment was and what He said was the second most important.
“Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
Matthew 22:36-37, 39-40 KJV
Never in my life have I seen the feet of Jesus in so many places. A vast majority of the groups were sent from a church and were spreading the good news of God’s grace wherever they went. We have received food, clothing, and the necessities of life from so many without them asking for anything in return. This Christmas will be possible for so many because so many have cared and have given selflessly to make sure that was the case.
There is a lesson to be learned from all that has taken place. I truly feel that all the things that happen in life can be viewed as a learning experience if we choose to look at it from that perspective. Maybe we have learned how important it is to be on our knees and ask God to direct us, to learn to really help our fellowman when in need. Maybe our churches needed to get back to the basics of teaching God’s work not only in talk but in a full walk with the Lord that blessing those in the communities around them. Maybe it is time we realize that the government is not here to take care of us. We are to take care of ourselves and lend a hand to those who are unable to do this. We, if we are aware at all, have seen this in abundance over the past few weeks.
As we approach the Christmas season, I am praying that the true spirit of Christmas will be the most evident it has been in years. We will truly celebrate the birth of the Christ Child and that unity and Christian love may abound in a way that we have not seen for many years. I pray that this great nation will have a renewal and a turning back to the foundations that we were built upon. May we truly celebrate the most important commandment by giving total honor and glory to the one and only Almighty God and second to love our fellow man as ourselves. The Golden Rule should once again be taught in all the halls of learning along with the Ten Commandments. May we forget the happy holidays mess and claim “Merry Christmas” to all, and to all a good night!
Doug Harrell is a lifelong resident of Mitchell County, Owner of Harrell Hill Farms, a member of Pine Branch Baptist Church and former publisher of Blue Ridge Christian News. You can find him on Facebook at
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