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A Supernatural Crop

By Caron Cline

Burke Countycaron cline burke county pleasant hill baptist church

In Western NC, the seed is usually sown in May, hopefully after the normal time for frost. However, many farmers plant well into the summer season, staggering the harvest time and ensuring fresh vegetables for several months. The supernatural and incorruptible seed of God’s Word can be safely planted in every season for it is living, active, and sharper than a two-edged sword. One of the greatest parables of our Lord is the one pertaining to a farmer who went out to sow seed. Let’s set the stage for this important lesson.

Jesus began traveling from village to village, preaching the Kingdom of God. He was accompanied by His newly chosen twelve disciples as well as several women. Some of these ladies had been healed of illnesses and delivered from demon possession. Mary Magdalene was plagued by seven demons but gloriously delivered by the word of the Lord. Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward, was most likely a woman of some means because her husband was entrusted with the King’s financial affairs. The text implies that she and Susanna experienced physical healing by the word of the Lord. These people began following Jesus and supporting His ministry financially as an expression of gratitude. God always provides for those who surrender their lives to preach and teach the gospel.

As this group was journeying with Jesus, a large crowd from different cities came out to meet Him. He began teaching a spiritual lesson using a parable, commonly referred to as the Parable of the Sower. A farmer went forth and began to sow seed. Unfortunately, some fell beside the road and the birds devoured it; some fell on rocky soil, but the sun withered it; some fell among thorns, but the thorns grew with the seed and choked it out; finally, some seed fell on fertile soil so that a tremendous crop was produced.

Later, His disciples asked for an interpretation of the parable. The seed is the word of God but some who hear that word will ignore and reject it. Some will receive it with joy, yet in times of temptation will fall away. Some will hear but allow the worries of this life to choke out the seed. The life that produces fruit for the glory of God is one that receives the seed of the word into a good and honest heart, resulting in a radical life change. Mary Magdalene was delivered from seven demons; many were healed of sicknesses and infirmities; all were delivered from a life of sin by the power of God’s imperishable word.

Fruit is only produced when a heart is prepared by the Holy Spirit to receive His word. Once it takes root, new life explodes. As Spirit-filled believers, even in the face of trials and tribulations, we need never stop producing the fruit of righteousness. The incorruptible word of God will provide all the courage and perseverance necessary to bear fruit in any circumstance.


Caron is a follower of Jesus Christ and a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Morganton, NC. She loves to teach the word of God.

Her desire is to see every believer grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.

You can read more Christian News from Caron HERE.
