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Three thousand years ago, the greatest human fortune ever amassed on Earth was passed on from father to son. Please turn with me to I Chronicles 22.

King David gave Solomon 1 million talents of silver in 970 BC (that means somewhere between 60 and 100 million pounds of silver, or 30 to 50 thousand tons of silver, worth about 25 billion dollars today at recent market prices).

David also gave Solomon 100 thousand talents of gold (that is between 6 and 10 million pounds of gold, or 3-5 thousand tons of gold, worth about 250 billion dollars today).

To help put this into perspective for us living in 2024, David had 1 million more pounds of gold than is in Fort Knox, the largest gold holdings of the wealthiest country ever in history, the USA.

Another piece would help: David held the equivalent of more than half of the world’s wealth. Today’s global wealth is about $250 trillion, so in 2024, David had an equivalent of 125 trillion dollars.

The First Temple:
Giving All to God

And what did the wealthiest man in the world do with all that? He gave it to the Lord for his son to use in building the First Temple.

WNS-58 – The Third Temple – Jerusalem and the Dome of The Rock (090621PM) –

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