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Diving In

By Ken and Jan Merop

Cleveland, Tennesseeken and Jan Merop

When growing up, our family vacations were mostly spent at the New Jersey Shore.  It always fell within the time of my birthday and the question was always asked, “Do you want a birthday cake or pizza?”

“Pizza!” was always my reply.

If you have ever had boardwalk pizza, you can identify with my enthusiasm to dive in and savor every slice.

I heard the same ‘dive in’ enthusiasm from a little boy.  Only it went like this.

I was volunteering at Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina, which inspires the conservation of the natural world where guests explore, understand, and value its natural wonders.

One of the unusual museum pieces is a huge burl from a tree.  A burl is a growth on the outside of the tree.  This one is exceptionally large (like a round-shaped bathtub).  An artisan has created a huge ‘bowl’ that people admire and imagine what it could be used for.  I believe I heard the best idea yet.

One little boy said, “If I could take that home, I’d fill it with macaroni and cheese!”

I could just see him diving into this never-ending comfort food.

We all like comfort food.  The more the better.  The more frequent…even better.  Truly, we love to dive into its delights and feel the satisfaction every bite brings.

And, so it is with another kind of food.

That food is God’s Word, the Bible.

When I think of pizza with its risen dough, tasty tomato sauce, and mozzarella cheese (along with other toppings of meat and veggies), it brings a satisfying delight to my palette and appetite.

Then when I picture that little boy ‘diving in’ to the creamy, mouthwatering flavor of macaroni and cheese, that same gratification delivers comforting contentment.

When I dive into God’s Word, I’m in for a feast of soul food.

First of all, it is alive (like all good food starts out).   The Bible is God’s living word because Jesus Christ is alive.

John 1: 1-6 NKJV says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

So, every ‘mouthful’ satisfies the hungry soul with new life-giving bites and comfort with every ‘serving.’  Jesus called himself the living water and the bread of life; both necessary for nourishment and life.

And the Psalmist didn’t neglect our sweet tooth when he compared God’s word to honey in Psalm 119:103 which says, “How sweet are Your words to my taste.  Sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

So, dive in and be satisfied.  Selah



A place to be

Inhale the clean, crisp mountain air.

Fill your senses ~ find nourishment.

Be still in this place…in His presence.

Let the symphony of nature stir your soul.

Be inspired.

“The mountains and the hills

shall break forth into singing before you.”

Isaiah 55: 12


After six years in the mountains of Avery County, Ken and Jan Merop are now living in the hilly Tennessee countryside of Cleveland, TN…just outside of Chattanooga.  Ken’s photos can be seen at

Read more Christian news from Ken and Jan HERE.
