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The Danger Of Spiritual Indifference–A Spiritual Checkup in Haggai

There are defining moments that shape the course of history.

Defining Moments
We remember many of them. When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River (taking his legions inside the line of no crossing) he set the stage for the Roman Empire as we know it.

Young Martin Luther’s hammer on the Wittenberg church doors rang out a message that altered the course of the church to this day.

When Hitler invaded Danzig at the end of August 1939 it was England’s response that has shaped Western history for the past nearly 60 years.

Likewise, in redemptive history (the history of God’s work in people) the response of the Jews to a message they heard on September 1st, 520 BC shaped the course of biblical history. In 23 short days what had not happened in 16 long years took place. The Second Temple was started. The First Temple (Solomon’s) was destroyed in 586 BC. Herod later would not build a new temple but expanded and embellished the second (Zerubbabel’s temple).

So this was the beginning of the temple of Christ, the Apostles and of AD 70’s destruction. A great turning point in history.

From OTI-37 – Haggai (970115WE) –

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