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Can you imagine that any person would think that their plans are more important than the plans offered to them by their Creator? That could summarize human history right down to this moment.

The Ignored Creator is Rejected by Most

Chapter after chapter of God’s Word records that the Creator is known by few, ignored by many, and rejected by most. That is the bulk of the Old Testament.

So, the Creator God sent spokesmen to speak for Him called prophets and they were either rejected or only temporarily heeded. Jonah saw a temporary revival in Ninevah, Daniel saw a temporary response in Babylon, and all the prophets to Israel and Judah faced very little genuine responses.

So the Creator Comes to Live on Earth

By the time we come to the New Testament the same pattern continues. Few are knowing, following, and obeying the Creator. So, the Creator that has been ignored and rejected actually comes down and becomes a human.

Christ’s life on Earth is recorded as series of scenes of ignorance and rejection interspersed with tiny but precious adoration, reverence, and obedience.

Starting with His birth that witnessed a sky filled with angels dazzling the desert hillsides as a few shepherds watched. But no real interest came of the excited shepherds, the visiting Wise Men, and the enthused testimonials of those Temple workers: Simeon & Anna.

Again the Creator is known by few, ignored by many, and rejected by most. So:

The Creator Introduces Himself in Person to His Creatures

After 30 years of living as no human has ever lived, the Creator in human flesh is heralded by the last, and greatest prophet of the Old Testament: John the Baptist.

Crowds came, surged, sniffed, got wowed, and then slowly settled back into their own ways, not His.

By the end of the mightiest ministry ever witnessed on Earth, people still yawned.

The Creator is Ignored, then Rejected

Not even the shrieks of howling demons, who cried out in dread fear of this Creator in human flesh, could move them. Neither could the parade of those healed: the lepers, the blind, the mute, the deaf, and even the dead He raised.

No one ever said His miracles didn’t happen, they just never wanted to adore, reverence, and obey their Creator.

Again the Creator is known by few, ignored by many, and rejected by most.
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