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By Steve Bietz

Burke Countysteve bietz Burke County


A June wedding seems to be the quintessential month for many happy couples.  June always has a high percentage of weddings that take place in America each year.  The term June Bride has continued to be an attractive choice for many couples that are tying the knot.

My wife and I were married in June so I may very well be prejudiced.  Actually, we did not really immerse ourselves in a major operation to pick a wedding date.  We barely even needed a calendar to make the decision.  I asked for her hand in marriage during our last year of college, and she said yes, we got married after graduation in May, so June it was.   We would also honeymoon in Daytona Beach that same June that we were married.  I didn’t know it then, but I discovered that the word honeymoon refers to the first full moon in the month of June.  A Honeymoon moon.  What could be more perfect?

No matter the month, I believe God designed matrimony to be an experience that is cherished throughout our lives as we promise till death do us part.

I guess many brides are still walking down the aisle to the music, ‘Bridal Chorus’ that was composed by Richard Wagner waaaay back in 1850.  “Here comes the bride, all dressed in white” and that’s as much of the lyrics I believe I’ve ever known.

Now you may have noticed that I titled this article, “Here Comes the Bridegroom.”  I guess grooms don’t get a traditional song.  But I’m very aware of the special implications of a coming Bridegroom in scripture.

While on the Mount of Olives overlooking the city of Jerusalem, Jesus told a few of his friends (He calls us friends, John 15:15) a parable about a wedding and the procession of a bridegroom. (Matthew 25)  In the culture of first-century Judaism, the bridegroom came after the bride in a huge procession from the groom’s home to the bride’s home.  And then there would be an even bigger procession back to the groom’s home as the happy couple led the way.  In this picture Jesus painted with His parable, He would classify Himself as the Bridegroom coming for His bride, the church.  The love Christ has for His church is an everlasting nuptial.  It is a fidelity that is unfailing and unconditional.

Husbands, we are admonished by Paul in his letter to the church in Ephesus to love our wives just as Christ loves the church and gave herself for her. (Ephesians 5:25)

When will the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, come for His bride, the church, so that we can forever be with the Lord?  God did not share the day and hour with the human race.  Only the Father knows.  I believe this is very purposeful so that you and I would be ready every day and every hour.  With each new day, may we surrender our hearts anew, knowing we want to be ready when Jesus the Bridegroom returns for us, His bride.


Steve Bietz is the pastor at Morganton Seventh Day Adventist Church. You can read more good Christian news from Pastor Steve Bietz HERE.


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