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It’s The Little Things  

By Steve Carter

Tupelo, Mississippi       Steve Carter


Reggie’s black hoodie complimented his salt and pepper beard, while Tony sported a black toboggan and pullover shirt. While sitting on stools and leaning on a counter we talked, as old friends do, and discussed our place in God’s overall plan.

Reggie, his face beaming from the memory pointed out; “God blesses us in ways, only those in His service could understand.” As one of my Associate Pastors, Reggie presented himself to God as a “blank sheet of paper.” The fact that he felt “unqualified” and needed no praise for his work, made him fit right in as a servant God can use.  Soon after entering the ministry, Reggie started accomplishing things he had no training or experience in. God “brought out talents unknown to me” and these undiscovered skills soon began to have a positive impact on people’s lives. In no way did his previous life indicate what a welcome presence he would be. Forever greeting people at the door with a sincere handshake, he instantly makes newcomers and members alike know they are welcome.

These little things we do, have harvested spiritual fruit in my life as well. Personally, one of my biggest rewards is being thanked by a friend from work for “sticking with me all these years” and “making a huge impact on my life.” This man had never been mentored and needed a slow steady guiding hand.  At the time, my efforts seemed to be going nowhere fast, but the result, of helping mature a very strong Christian man made it more than worthwhile. I certainly did nothing spectacular or noteworthy on the job. I simply walked the walk and let God handle the details.

When I called a dear friend, Harold, for his input on this article, he enthusiastically told of singing in a ‘pandemic thinned choir while God fills the sanctuary with voices like they were one hundred strong!’ Aside from being simply a great guy, his many “unsung talents” include his ability to cook. The church where he is a member would not dream of planning an event involving food unless Harold is manning the grill. Being the good Methodist he is, Harold can turn a chicken into something Heaven sent!

Tony, another Associate Pastor, in his soft-spoken voice stated, “The journey is the destination.”  Having spent several years in high-level management and playing football, Tony picked up an appreciation of “team effort.” This gentle but strong man in the faith understands his place in the plan. His job, while often being “behind the scenes” like Reggie, Harold, and me, is as important as anything else done for the congregation. The overall performance of any organization, whether it be a football team or local church depends on all the parts working in harmony. For those who have no desire to “be in the spotlight,” there is much to do in performing what might seem insignificant duties. God has special rewards waiting that cannot be found outside of God’s plan for our personal ministry.

While each of those mentioned in this article has a strong enough personality for something more “appreciated,” we realize the pitfalls that often go together with pats on the back. None of us are comfortable with a lot of attention and are content with where God placed us in His Kingdom. He knows where our value lies. While it is often not what we would have chosen, we have faith in His ability to place us where we will be the most productive.  All He needs is a little cooperation.

God expects very few of us to preach to the multitudes or be featured in televised ministry. He has plenty of folks taking care of all that. If we aren’t called to anything high profile; change a flat tire for a stranded motorist or buy a little gas for those on dire straits. Helping the handicapped to their car is, in His eyes, as important as singing on the Praise Team. Mowing a yard for no payment goes a lot further than simply feeling sorry for those that can’t.

Any time an encouraging word is offered or paying for a stranger’s meal anonymously, God’s love is displayed by our actions. It’s the small things that make the difference. God views the “little things” we do in His name as if we are doing them for Him personally! Answer yes when asked, God will fill in the blanks.


Steve Carter is entering his 5th decade of Christian ministry. Steve had peddled across the continental United States twice.  Mr. Carter’s email is:


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