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Now we have OpenAI as well as Microsoft making major moves in Search

Microsoft is accelerating its efforts to enhance Bing with artificial intelligence, introducing new tools for generative search. The latest feature, Bing generative search, aims to provide users with an AI-compiled response at the top of search results. This AI-generated summary is created using both large-language models and small-language models, offering a comprehensive answer to the query. Alongside the main response, the search result will include links to the sources used by the AI, as well as additional related information.

For example, a query about the lifespan of elephants not only generates a summary but also provides videos and other relevant content about factors affecting elephant longevity. This feature is still in the preview phase and is being tested with a limited number of user queries. Microsoft is taking a cautious approach, gathering feedback to refine the experience before wider release.

This move follows a similar initiative by Google, which introduced AI Overview earlier in the year to compete with AI chatbots. Microsoft’s blog post emphasized that the new feature aims to enhance search results without undermining the business of web publishers, clarifying that it is not intended as a replacement for traditional news sources.

key Points:

  • Microsoft introduces Bing generative search with AI-compiled top results.
  • The feature uses large-language and small-language models to provide comprehensive answers.
  • Includes links to sources and related content, like videos and additional information.
  • Currently in a limited preview phase, with gradual rollout planned.
  • Aims to enhance user experience without replacing traditional news sources.

Fallon Jacobson – Reprinted with permission of Whatfinger News