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Almighty God, who sees everything, knows everything and is infinitely wise, has a plan. That plan involves ending sin, death, evil, and rebellion in this world. It has been written down and is ours today.

As we start our study of this next section, it reminds us that ONLY God knows the future. No person, no demon, no astrologer, no prophet, no writer, no one but God KNOWS the future. That is one of the most amazing facets of God’s character.

He is never surprised.
God always knows what WILL happen, and only He knows that.
We need to listen to God.

The Return of the King

Human history, since the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, has been hurtling towards this moment when the Creator and King of the Universe comes back to set things in order.

Sin has run rampant throughout the earth and the universe for thousands of years. Satan and his evil angels have done all they could do to thwart and disrupt the knowledge of God. Evil and misery have festered. Sin has permeated every part of human history.

Death has taken every human but Enoch & Elijah. No one else has avoided death. So how can someone survive the end of the world? By listening to God’s Word.

Revelation 6-19 marks the Lord saying enough is enough–and starting the inexorable conquest back of sin’s reign and Satan’s rebellion.

There is probably no part of Scripture more relevant to our times than this one. No portion of Scripture better frames how we should see global events than this one. We are in the timeliest, most cutting-edge truths of God’s Word as we enter these chapters because:

Only God knows the Future.

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