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Google right now is shaking in their boots as they say. A large competitor with a base in the hundreds of millions of people is about to attack the search engine field.

OpenAI is testing a new feature called SearchGPT, designed to directly challenge Google’s dominance in the AI search engine space. SearchGPT aims to combine the advanced capabilities of OpenAI’s artificial intelligence models with real-time web data, providing users with timely and accurate answers while linking to relevant sources.

This innovation positions OpenAI as a potential competitor to Google, particularly following Google’s recent introduction of AI-generated summaries at the top of its search results. These summaries were intended to provide quick answers to user queries, reducing the need to click through to external websites for more information.

The development of SearchGPT follows a year-long testing phase by Google, which revealed some risks associated with relying on AI-generated content for search results. Google’s changes were part of an ongoing effort to enhance the user experience by delivering more immediate and concise answers.

OpenAI plans to gather feedback on SearchGPT from a select group of users and publishers, refining the tool based on their input. This testing phase is crucial as it aims to assess the accuracy, reliability, and overall effectiveness of the AI-driven search feature.

The move by OpenAI comes amid a broader trend in the tech industry, where companies like Microsoft are also exploring the integration of AI technologies into their search engines, such as Bing. This shift reflects a growing interest in leveraging AI to revolutionize how information is accessed and consumed online.

As OpenAI continues to develop and refine SearchGPT, it represents a significant step in the evolution of search technology, potentially reshaping how users interact with the internet and access information.

Key Points:

  • OpenAI is testing SearchGPT, a new feature combining AI models with real-time web data for timely answers and relevant links.
  • SearchGPT positions OpenAI as a competitor to Google, following Google’s recent AI-generated search summaries.
  • Google’s changes aimed to provide quick answers and reduce clicks to external websites.
  • OpenAI is gathering feedback from users and publishers to refine SearchGPT’s accuracy and effectiveness.
  • The trend reflects a broader industry shift towards integrating AI in search engines, with companies like Microsoft also exploring similar technologies.

RM Tomi – Reprinted with permission of Whatfinger News