Ponderings of Mary’s Heart
By Carol Wallace
Kingsport, Tennessee
In Luke chapter two, we read the magnificent story of Jesus’ birth, so familiar, so amazing! In Luke 2:19, we read “but Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
To Ponder…
- Think about something carefully before deciding or reaching a conclusion.
- Meditate
- Muse – mull over
- Careful weighing of a situation – to weigh mentally.
- Focus of thought
- Consider deeply and thoroughly.
- Reflect on
- Turnover in one’s mind.
- Chew on it
Pondering can turn to prayer. To ponder in the heart is more than thinking, it involves feeling. Mary had much to ponder; she had the circumstances of a life-changing experience to settle in her heart and mind and go on effectively with her life. Let us reflect on some of the events that may have led Mary to ponder in her heart and some of those heart feelings. Read the scripture in Luke chapter one regarding the visit of the Angel to Mary.
- Angel – “the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women.”
- Mary was troubled by what the angel was saying.
- Angel – “do not be afraid, you have found favor with God.”
- Mary was fearful.
- Mary – “how can this be?”
- Mary was seeking.
- Angel – “the Holy Spirit will come upon you.”
- Mary was expecting.
- Mary – “Let it be to me according to your work.”
- Mary said Yes! She chose to believe God’s messenger and say yes. Saying yes to God is an act of faith that brings blessing and reward.
- Mary was accepting.
After the angel departed, Mary may have thought; here I am unmarried; pregnant; what will Joseph think; what will my parents do?
- Mary was lonely.
Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
- Mary had questions.
- Mary needed reassurance.
Scripture records the Song of Mary – My Soul Magnifies the Lord.
- Mary was rejoicing and praising the Lord.
Mary and Joseph traveled 90-100 miles; she was nine months pregnant and riding on a donkey. Upon arrival, there was no room in the inn, and the stable was their option for shelter.
- Mary was tired and weary.
- Mary was frustrated.
- Mary was in the pain of labor.
Ponder on the circumstances of her situation. We do not know more than the scripture tells us, but we might consider…
- No soft bed with pillow – only straw and perhaps a small blanket
- No running water.
- No medication for pain
- No doctor or nurse for assistance; only Joseph and in their culture, he may have stepped out and she did most of the birthing and follow-up on her own.
- Swaddling clothes – no multiple outfits from the baby shower
- Manger for a crib – most likely a carved limestone trough as seems to be what archaeologists have found. This manger could be representative of the tomb that Jesus was put in after his crucifixion.
- No Mother to help with the baby to give her time to recuperate.
- Mary felt relief – the baby was here, and all was well; she had examined him from head to toe.
- Mary was in awe – she had smiled at the miracle she held in her arms.
- Mary may have had feelings of uncertainty/concern – what lies ahead for this child?
Can you relate to Mary’s heart ponderings?
- Are you troubled?
- Are you fearful?
- Are you questioning?
- Are you accepting?
- Are you rejoicing?
- Are you tired and weary?
- Are you frustrated?
- Are you in pain?
- Are you lonely?
- Are you overwhelmed?
- Are you relieved?
- Are you in awe?
Multiple ponderings of the heart
- Mary had much to ponder in her heart and as she watched Jesus grow…
- She may have pondered with a mother’s fearful heart at the young boy who seemed to be lost but had stayed behind in the temple and asked, “did you not know I would be about my Father’s business?”
- She may have pondered with a mother’s overwhelmingly grateful and proud heart at the young man who changed water into wine at the wedding feast.
- She may have pondered with a mother’s troubled heart at the comments from friends and family as they questioned “who HE was.”
- She pondered with a mother’s broken heart as her Son was arrested, taken to the cross, beaten, and crucified.
- She pondered with a mother’s rejoicing heart at His resurrection.
- She pondered with a forgiven heart when she realized her Son was also her Savior.
We enjoy the beautiful song, “Mary Did You Know” by Mark Lowry, and can imagine the ponderings of Mary’s heart. There might be much Mary did not know but with a mother’s loving, pondering heart she
- Held the Son of God in her arms.
- Kissed his sweet face.
- Held his hand.
- Guided his steps.
- Saw his smile.
- Saw him perform miracles.
- Experienced the most horrible death of a child any mother could imagine.
- For three days she pondered the whys and the denial of the reality that surrounded her.
Thankfully, we know the rest of the story! The pondering of a mother’s rejoicing heart at the resurrection of her Son and her Savior on that third day! I leave you with the hope that your heart and mine will PONDER on Jesus this Christmas season…
- Ponder on the baby in the manger and rejoice in the risen Savior.
- Ponder and marvel at His miracles recorded in the Bible and rejoice at the miracles He gives us personally.
- Ponder and give thanks with a grateful heart to His mercies that are new every morning.
- Ponder on His love, His forgiveness, His mercy, and His grace.
- Ponder on His gift through grace given freely to ALL who are willing to receive.
- Ponder on the thought that Christmas is the beginning of what Easter celebrates.
Merry Christmas from my “pondering heart” to yours.
Carol Wallace
My husband, Larry and I reside in Kingsport, TN and we recently joined the fellowship of Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church in Gray, TN. We grew up in Fall Branch, TN and were both saved at a young age. We have two children, Jonathan, and Kala, and one grandson, Gaige. I am a retired Administrative Assistant and have enjoyed serving in various Children and Ladies’ Ministries through the years.
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