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As you open to Matthew 21, you open your Bibles to the start of the greatest week since our Universe was spoken into existence by its Creator.

On this day, Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem when the Passover lambs were chosen. He proclaimed Himself as the Promised Messiah by riding on a donkey, as prophesied in Daniel 9, coming from the East. But His true kingship would be demonstrated when He was sacrificed on the Cross as God’s Lamb.

Palm Sunday is a time of great invitation. On this day, Jews of Christ’s time had to choose a lamb to cover their sins, and so on this day, we also need to choose our Lamb.

Jesus the
Lamb of God

Palm Sunday was the day all of Israel had to pick their Passover lamb. Over a million people came to Jerusalem each year to celebrate the great Feast of the Passover. In AD 30, Passover was on Saturday, so all of the people had to pick a lamb the Sunday before Passover (Palm Sunday) so they could keep that lamb with them for four days, as detailed in Exodus 12.

So Jesus came from the East and passed by the Sheep Gate, where thousands of families were washing and preparing the Passover lambs on that Sunday. Just as on the first Palm Sunday, some chose Christ, and others didn’t, so we have a choice today.

Have you chosen Jesus as your Lamb? You can just bow your heart before Him right now and admit to God that you need an offering for your sins to be forgiven and that Jesus is your chosen Lamb! What a day to pick Jesus, the day He offered Himself as the Lamb of God who takes away the world’s sin!

WNS-50 – Palm Sunday Proclaims – God Always Keeps His Word (090405AM) –

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