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Ukraine is near collapse. They now have zero chance of defeating the Russians, who are by the way now advancing on all fronts and taking land. If Peace is not called for soon, the Russians have the military forces in place to completely take over Ukraine.

Russian forces have recently made significant gains in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region, capturing the town of Vovche and advancing in several other key areas. This development comes amid reports suggesting a shift in Moscow’s military strategy across the entire front line. The pro-Ukrainian Telegram channel DeepState, which monitors the conflict, noted these advances, including progress in Yasnobrodivka, Krasnohorivka, near Dibrova, and Zhelanne. Jürgen Nauditt, a pro-Kyiv commentator on the platform X, confirmed these updates, expressing concern over the deteriorating situation in some parts of the front.

The U.S.-based Institute for the Study of War (ISW) also reported on the Russian advances, indicating that Moscow’s forces are now exerting increased pressure across the front line. The ISW noted that the Russian military has expanded the area of responsibility for its Central Grouping of Forces in the Donetsk region. This expansion suggests a change from their previous tactic of acting primarily as a maneuver force around Avdiivka, where they have struggled to achieve rapid tactical gains.

Earlier in the week, the ISW highlighted a Ukrainian defensive success, where forces managed to repel a Russian mechanized assault near Kostiantynivka, resulting in significant equipment losses for the attackers. This clash is part of a broader Russian effort to capture the strategic city of Pokrovsk, pushing along a front that includes Chasiv Yar—located just west of Bakhmut, which fell to Russian control in the spring of 2023—the city of Toretsk, and areas to the west of Ocheretyne.

Despite the high costs in personnel and equipment, Russia’s broader offensive efforts, including a previous campaign in the Kharkiv region in May, have yielded limited gains. However, these actions have effectively diverted Ukrainian resources, complicating Kyiv’s military strategy. A battalion commander from Ukraine’s 47th Brigade, identified only as Oleksandr, explained that the Russian forces seem focused on inflicting heavy casualties on Ukrainian troops and positioning themselves advantageously for potential peace negotiations.

Ukraine’s General Staff has pointed to Pokrovsk as the most intense area of conflict currently. Ukrainian commanders and soldiers have voiced concerns over a lack of troops and resources, as well as problematic leadership decisions. The recent mobilization law in Kyiv has not yet brought the expected reinforcements, leading to what one sergeant, using the call sign “Bart,” described as “serious chaos” on the front lines. This ongoing turmoil highlights the challenging and fluid nature of the conflict as both sides continue to struggle for strategic advantage.

Major Points:

  • Russian forces have captured the town of Vovche and made significant advances in Yasnobrodivka, Krasnohorivka, near Dibrova, and Zhelanne in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region.
  • Reports suggest a change in Moscow’s tactics, with the Russian military expanding its area of operations and applying increased pressure across the entire front line.
  • Ukrainian forces successfully repelled a Russian mechanized assault near Kostiantynivka, inflicting substantial equipment losses on the Russian side.
  • Despite high casualties and limited territorial gains, Russia’s actions, including the campaign in Kharkiv in May, have diverted Ukrainian resources and complicated Kyiv’s strategy.
  • The area around Pokrovsk remains a focal point of intense conflict, with Ukrainian commanders expressing concerns over insufficient troops, resources, and leadership challenges, exacerbated by delays in reinforcements following Kyiv’s new mobilization law.

Fallon Jacobson – Reprinted with permission of Whatfinger News