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Peter’s Last Days

Here he is at the end of the road. I can see him now with his gnarled fisherman’s hands and the skin of his face and arms still leathery from all his years on boats in the sun, those eyes still piercingly full of zeal.

Peter never lost the wonder of Jesus. He has lived every day with purpose. Jesus called out to him as a young businessman and said, “Follow Me,” and Peter did.

Once the Spirit fell upon him, Peter was consumed with the message of the cross all his days. Now, as he nears the end, one last time, Peter writes to keep his beloved fellow saints on track. As he does so, he warns that the coming fires are on the same level of catastrophe as the Flood.

Before we read verses 10-18, think about the context. As we saw last time, they lived in the center of all that was Rome. The Empire’s greatness was clearly seen in the monumental temples (many with rows of 10-story-high columns), sprawling bath complexes (some that could hold three thousand bathers at once), crowded athletic stadiums, acoustically perfect theaters, and bustling marketplaces of Roman provincial Asia.

When it Feels Like the End is Near
(ROK-03; 130203AM)

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