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The Voice of God

By Patricia Jackson

McDowell County


On Christmas morning, our nation was shocked as we received news of a massive explosion in Nashville, Tennessee.  One of the officers involved in evacuating nearby residents was Officer Wells. The news media quoted Officer Wells as saying, “He had started back toward the RV when the voice of God “told him to turn around.” He immediately changed course. The explosion went off seconds later, with significant destruction to the surrounding businesses and apartments. Officer Wells suffered hearing loss.

You might wonder why the voice of God spoke to him. Was it to bring safety, salvation, perhaps heal his backsliding? Whatever God’s reason, we know he trusted the voice of God, and the officer’s life was spared. He then openly and publically gave God the Glory. Proverbs 3:5, 6 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct his paths.”

When did God first speak to man? Genesis 1:28 “And God blessed them (Adam and Eve), and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply.”  From that time on, God walked and spoke with Adam frequently. John 1:1 tells us, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” God’s conversations with Noah were very specific as he revealed his plans to flood the earth because of man’s great sins. Moses and the children of Israel were totally dependent upon God as he led them out of Egypt, feed them, and brought them to the Promised Land

God can speak through supernatural manifestations. He spoke to Moses through a burning bush (Ex. 3:1-4) and Gideon through a fleece (Judg.6:37-40). God spoke to Saul through a bright light (Acts 9:1-5) and even spoke to Balaam through a donkey (Num. 22:1-35). God also spoke to the child Samuel three times. “And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him and did let none of his words fail to the ground.” (I Samuel 3:19). “God can speak through the voice of a great multitude, a voice of many waters and a voice of mighty thundering”. (Rev. 19:6)

Amos 4:13 says that God makes known his ways to us through our thoughts. In Jeremiah 29:11, God’s word tells us that “his thoughts are towards us, thoughts of peace, not of evil, to give us an unexpected end.” God can speak through dreams and visions, as shown in the lives of Joseph, Solomon, Jacob, Peter, John, and Paul.

The good news is that God does communicate with us, and yes, you can “know” that you hear his voice. When he speaks, he wants us to listen and heed his words. There is no more tremendous honor than to communicate with an all-knowing, all-caring God. It is by God’s grace we hear him.

I Kings 19 tells us that The Lord spoke to Elijah in a still small voice. The Lord was not in the wind, the earthquake or fire, and after the fire, he spoke: “in a still small voice.” This scripture reminds me of a precious hymn, “He Whispers Sweet Peace to Me,” written by William Morgan Ramsey (1872 – 1939).  V. 4 “He speaks in a still, small voice we are told, A voice that dispels all fear; And when I’m in doubt or troubled in soul, That still small voice I can hear. He whispers sweet peace to me”.

“And he shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart, and I will be found of you, saith the Lord.” (Jeremiah 29:13)


Patricia Jackson is the Assistant Teacher for the Ladies Class at Redeemed Free Will Baptist Church, Glenwood, NC.  She is a grant writer for non-profits, a published author and retired Nursing Home Administrator.  She lives in Rutherford County with her husband.  Contact information: email address:

You can read more good Christian news from Patricia HERE.
