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In a fiery speech at the Turning Point Action’s Believers’ Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump urged Christians to vote en masse this November. However, a 27-second video clip from his speech has been twisted by some to claim he intends to ban future elections. This claim has sparked a whirlwind of controversy and misinformation.

During his address, Trump declared, “Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore. In four years, you won’t have to vote again.” Taken out of context, this statement was misinterpreted by several celebrities, who asserted that Trump planned to abolish elections. In reality, Trump was advocating for overwhelming voter turnout to secure a victory so decisive that it couldn’t be tampered with. He suggested that such a win would allow for election reforms, including voter ID laws, reducing the need for massive voter drives in the future.

Trump elaborated, “I will secure our elections. Our goal will be, as I said, one day voting with paper ballots, proof of citizenship, and a thing called voter ID.” He emphasized the necessity of these measures to prevent what he alleges is widespread voter fraud. He criticized the Democratic Party for opposing voter ID laws, accusing them of wanting to cheat. “There’s only one reason they do that. Because they want to cheat,” he proclaimed. Trump highlighted the irony of strict ID requirements at the Democratic National Convention compared to their resistance to similar standards for voting.

The former president called for a landslide victory, urging, “We want a landslide that’s too big to rig. If you want to save America, get your friends, get your family, get everyone you know, and vote, vote early, vote absentee, vote on Election Day. I don’t care how, but you have to get out and vote.” He passionately addressed Christians, “And again, Christians — get out and vote! Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore.”

Despite the context, celebrities such as Rob Reiner, Mia Farrow, and Barbra Streisand spread claims that Trump intended to end democratic elections. Reiner alleged Trump “point blank said he will destroy our Democracy,” while Farrow suggested he would hold onto power indefinitely. Scott Derrickson, director of Disney’s “Doctor Strange,” also misrepresented Trump’s comments, claiming he would stay in power until death. HBO’s “The Wire” creator David Simon and others like John Cusack, Amber Tamblyn, and Nancy Sinatra joined the chorus, amplifying the misleading narrative.

The controversy has further inflamed the political divide, with accusations of authoritarianism flying amidst efforts to smear Trump as an enemy of democracy.  The Left media is forever lying and playing their propaganda games. This will not stop until they are out of business.

Major Points:

  • Donald Trump, speaking at the Turning Point Action’s Believers’ Summit, urged Christians to vote in large numbers for the upcoming election.
  • A 27-second video clip of Trump’s speech was misinterpreted by some celebrities, leading to claims that he intended to ban future elections.
  • Trump was advocating for overwhelming voter turnout to secure a victory and implement election reforms, including voter ID laws.
  • Celebrities like Rob Reiner, Mia Farrow, and Barbra Streisand spread the claim that Trump wanted to end democratic elections, misrepresenting his comments.

Al Santana – Reprinted with permission of Whatfinger News