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In Genesis 6-8, God sent the first ecological disaster of human history in the catastrophic Global Flood of Noah. It was less than 5,000 years ago when God completely devastated the surface of the entire planet.

Through 40 days of rain, plus most likely the fountains of the deep (volcanic eruptions), God drowned or buried every land animal and every human except the eight in the Ark. That was :

The First Catastrophic Ecological Event

God flooded and uprooted, floated, rotted, or buried every plant and tree on the surface of the earth. He muddied every drop of water and probably prevented sunlight from being seen for the entire 40-day period.

There has never been anything like the Flood of Noah, which buried, flooded, and changed every square inch of the Earth just under 5,000 years ago.

That is until the events of Revelation 8. In this chapter, we find an ecological disaster, the magnitude of which we will examine this morning.

As we open to Revelation 8 again today, we have already seen the first three of the seven great doctrines or teachings about our All-Powerful and Almighty God.

Doctrines from a Loving God

Here is what we see taught in Revelation 8:

1. Doctrine of Inspiration: God Designed Revelation to Connect the Rest of the Bible (8:1a)

2. Doctrine of Prayer: God Designed Prayer As our Vital Connection to Him (8:1b-4)

3. Doctrine of Sovereignty: God Connects Our Prayers to His Plan (8:5-6)

4. The Doctrine that God is the ONLY Giver & Sustainer of Life (8:7)

5. The Doctrine that God ALONE Holds the Breath of Life in His Hands (8:8-9)

6. The Doctrine that God EXCLUSIVELY Controls the Water of Life (8:10-11)

7. The Doctrine that God is THE Source of the Light of Life (8:12)

So we are hearing in Revelation 8 from God who has as one of His unchanging attributes the motivation and essential character that:

God is Love
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