Being Grateful is Tough Some Days
By Patti Jensen
Mitchell County
Sometimes being grateful is just tough to do. I have to be honest; I actually forget sometimes to be grateful. So many days I get up out of my warm bed, get into my hot shower, put on my clean clothes, eat a hot breakfast, and drive to work in a car I own to a job that I enjoy. All of that in one hour or less and many mornings I have gone without even thinking about how grateful I should be.
I am trying to do better though. Now, before I even get out of bed, I say “Thank you Lord for this day and all that you have planned for me.” Some days I go on to continually thank Him throughout the day for all the big and little things He does for me. Some days it may be the only breath of gratitude I give until I go to bed at night. But He knows my heart (something else to be grateful for) so I hope He knows I am trying.
It should come easy, though right? I mean, aren’t we really the most blessed people we know? We…Christians. He gave us the greatest, most unselfish gift…His Son…and all that came with that gift…salvation, mercy, grace, healing, and forgiveness. How many times a day do we truly kneel our hearts and thank God for THAT gift much less our material gifts and blessings? I’d guess not many.
I am ashamed of my lack of gratitude. I am ashamed that I just get so busy enjoying all my blessings that I forget to be grateful. I have seen and been given so many blessings in my life…my children, my grandchild, my husband’s miracle recovery from leukemia, my children’s health, a praying mother and so many, many, many other things.
I saw a quote some time ago that said…”What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?”
Boy, wouldn’t that wake us up to gratitude?
And our lack of it?
“Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” Psalm 107:8-9,
Could I even list the many blessings that God has given me in my life? In one day? In one month? In a lifetime? I think I might start a daily gratitude list just to amaze myself daily of His goodness~ Do you have a daily gratitude journal? I would love to hear about it! Reach out to me on Instagram @a.grateful.girl or Facebook @AGratefulGirl.
Patti Jensen is the writer and creator of the lifestyle blog “A Grateful Girl” which features encouragement, a focus on gratitude with some lifestyle tips and recipes thrown in for good measure! Patti is married to Jack and has two daughters, two great sons-in-law and a new granddaughter, Georgia Grace. You can find her posts on Instagram and Facebook and on her blog at