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Pumpkin – The Miraculous Plant

By Christy Lowman

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Since Fall is right around the corner, I wanted to talk about my absolute favorite fruit to grow. Can you guess what it is?

Pumpkins! I remember as a little girl, my dad used to take me to a pumpkin patch every year to pick out my favorite pumpkin. Then when I got married my husband would take me to a pumpkin patch in Nebraska. We would ride on a hayride to the patch and again I would get to pick my favorite pumpkin right off the vine. I always said when we moved back here, “I am going to have a pumpkin patch for kids to come to pick  pumpkins out of.” So maybe one day, I will, and you can come and visit me!

Well, this year, my family planted 2 rows of pumpkins and not a single one came up. I was disappointed because my absolutely-totally favorite thing to grow is pumpkins. Then a couple of months later a miraculous plant popped up in the middle of our yard thru a tiny hole in a piece of lattice panel we had bought to put up under our deck. This miraculous plant was a pumpkin! I was ecstatic!

This plant reminded me of how God uses us to tell others about Jesus. We “plant seeds” so to speak. These seeds may not grow the first time or maybe not even the next few times they are planted. But eventually, when the time is right, God will water the seeds that we have planted and that person will become a believer. In my case, the pumpkin seeds I planted didn’t come up at all but in return I had one come up from one we had accidentally dropped last Fall when my kids carved pumpkins for Halloween. It laid dormant for months then it came up all on its own. So even when you don’t think people are listening and watching they are. You are planting seeds when you aren’t even trying to. That’s why it’s so important to always try to act like Jesus would.

So eventually, if we keep telling others about Jesus, and then maybe another person tells them (it might take some time) but eventually, they are going to want to get to know Jesus personally too! So keep planting those seeds in others, and when the time is right God will make them into plants!

    “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 KJV

Dear Lord, help us tell everybody we see about You. Sometimes it’s hard, we might get shy or nervous but instead, we ask You, Lord, to make us bold and courageous when we talk about You. Dear Lord, please help us to act like Jesus would around others, (when they are watching and when they are not). Help them only see You when they are looking at us! In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.


Christy Lowman is a Christian author and illustrator that lives in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband and two children. She enjoys writing and illustrating books for all ages. Some of her short stories are published with Guideposts and HCI. Christy gives all the glory to God in everything she does. A portion of every book sold from the Small Bible Character Series will be donated to battle human trafficking. If you enjoy her books, “like’ her author page on Facebook and let her know! You can buy her books at // You can reach her at //


You can read more Christian news from Christy here.
