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Something To Think About – Really Experiencing God!

By Dennis Love

McDowell CountyDennis Love


Can you remember the last time you and your church really experienced God?  The Bible says in Zechariah 4:6; “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.”  If anyone understands this verse it is Henry Blackaby.  Here’s what he did when the World’s Fair came to Vancouver, Canada in 1986.  He and the 2,000 people in the Vancouver association of churches were convinced that God wanted to use them to reach the twenty-two million people that would come to the World’s Fair.  Two years before the fair they began making their plans.


At that time the total income for the entire Vancouver association was $9,000.  However, for the year of the World’s Fair, they set a budget of $202,000 for their association.  (Now that’s a God-sized budget)  They had commitments which would provide about 35 percent of that budget.  The remaining 65 percent depended completely on prayer and the Spirit of God.  As an association, they fervently prayed for God to provide what they felt He desired to accomplish in them and through them.  By the end of that year, $264,000 had come in from all over the world, and God used that small group of believers to be His hands, His feet and His mouth for seeing almost twenty thousand people coming to know Jesus Christ during the World’s Fair.


Henry Blackaby said; “You cannot explain that except in terms of God’s intervention.  Only God could have done that.”  The people in the Vancouver association of churches really experienced God when they determined to accomplish something that only God could do, and they remained available for the Master to use them!  Isn’t it about time for our churches to really experience God?  “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.”      


Dr. Dennis Love is the Senior Pastor at Glenwood Baptist Church in Marion, NC. He and his wife Vicki have been married for almost 39 years. They have been in Marion for almost 5 years. They have two sons and three grandchildren. You can visit the Glenwood Baptist Church Facebook page or The Glenwood Baptist Church Website
