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The one thing we can’t do in Heaven…

Rev. John B. Sorensen



As Christians, we often focus so much on our heavenly home that we forget we have a unique opportunity right now. Witnessing is the one thing we can do here that we won’t be able to do in Heaven. Jesus’ last command—to take the Gospel into all the world—can only be accomplished while we are here on earth.

Eternal life does not begin the day we leave this life, but the day we trust Christ for our salvation. So, while living in Heaven in God’s presence forever is our ultimate destination, we can have life abundantly right here, right now. Part of that abundant life is sharing it with others.

Every believer is charged with and has the privilege of proclaiming the Gospel to our lost and dying world. And yet, a majority of those who claim to be followers of Christ will not even attempt to share the Gospel with another person this year. They have found eternal life in Christ, yet they are keeping it to themselves.

Evangelism is not a gift bestowed to a few chosen people. As Christians, we all have a message of rescue and redemption. If we don’t share it, where will our family and friends hear it?


Witnessing begins with surrender. When we surrender to what the Lord has called us to do, to live for His glory, and to use the talents that God has entrusted to us for the spreading of His Kingdom, our life becomes a witness for Him. People will begin to notice our surrender lifestyle.


Be yourself. When the subject of faith comes up in conversation, and it should if you are living for Christ, be honest. Share your story of how God has changed your life and point them to Heaven. You will be surprised how God will use you to reach others.


Ask questions. Take the lead and initiate conversations by asking a friend how they are doing spiritually. People all around us are struggling, and they are searching for meaning and purpose in their lives. Asking people questions shows that we care. Plus, we have something we can offer them in return: hope in Jesus Christ. That is the best gift of all!


People are more open to talking about spiritual matters than we think. When we point others to God and Heaven, we are fulfilling our mission right now. There’s nothing more rewarding than knowing that you are being faithful to Jesus’ Great Commission and that you have had a part in telling people how they can go to Heaven someday. That is something to get excited about right here on earth!


Rev. John B. Sorensen, D.D. is the President/CEO of Evangelism Explosion International, headquartered in Arden, N.C. EE has been a leader in equipping Christians

to share their faith for more than 50 years. For more free tips and resources, visit
